Ottawa Android Developers
Local Android developer group for the Ottawa region.
19th June - 6:30pm @ Shopify Offices in Lounge
15th May - 6:30pm @ Shopify Offices in Lounge
December Meeting
Decembers meeting will be an extra special one! Schedule- We are going to be having Matt Gammache-Asselin do a remote presentation on the Parse API & Android SDK and how you...
November Meeting
November 21st starting at 6:30pm Shopify (Protoss Boardroom) - 126 York St (Back Doors With the Unicorns on them) Ottawa, Ontario This month (and subsequent months) we'll be meeting in... -
October 2012 Meeting
The October meeting is tomorrow! There are currently no scheduled presentations. If you would like to present something email the organizers or let us know on the mailing list. If...