Ottawa Android Developers
Local Android developer group for the Ottawa region.
Looking for content manager for Ottawa Android blog
We'd really like to get some more activity up on the blog, but we need a few more volunteers to help out. Most of the responsibilities would be to find... -
Android AOSP Source Plugin
This article shows how to install the AOSP Source plugin for eclipse so when you are working with the Android API you can actually view the contents of... -
Next Meeting: 19th of October
We are still looking for presentations, so feel free to get in contact with us or send us a message on the mailing list.- Christopher Saunders - mobile web app...
Speed up your testing with Virtual Box!
Check out this blog post for more details on How to speed up the Android Emulator by up... -
Droidhack - PhoneGap Android Plugins
The next DROIDHACK event will be happening Saturday October 8th starting at 10am. This will be another themed hack event. Nitobi (the guys that made PhoneGap) are going to be sponsoring...