Ottawa Android Developers
Local Android developer group for the Ottawa region.
Android 9-Patch Blog
http://android9patch.blogspot.ca/ -
Android and Ubuntu on One Device?
I really do hope that we shall see a device with Ubuntu and Android that switches when docked. I know I would want one. Wouldn't you? http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android -
Guest Post: Lessons Learned from Bulk Parsing and Database Insertion
This article originates from christophersaunders.ca I'm beginning to work on an STO application from an API that was created by Philippe Casgrain. The data was stored in a... -
Droidhack - OpenData Ottawa
Instead of having our monthly Droidhack this month, we decided to promote the OpenData Ottawa hackfest going on this weekend on December 3rd. The concept is the same as our... -
Next Meeting: 16th of November
Here is the lineup of presentations we have for this month's meeting.- AnDevCon report - Simon MacDonald
- QuickActions library for Android - Carson Brown
- PhoneGap + JS Libraries Experiences...