Ottawa Android Developers
Local Android developer group for the Ottawa region.
Ottawa Android Meeting August
Thanks to every who came out to the last Ottawa Android meeting, it was quite interesting. We had a presentation from Chris Saunders who is working on a simple image... -
Google releases Voice Actions for Android
We all remember the Google I/O keynote video where some cool features were unveiled. It seemed like most of those features would only come in the next version of Android... -
New Android Licensing System
There are two interesting Android blog posts about a new licensing/copy protection system for apps. Check it out. http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/07/licensing-service-for-android.html http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/07/licensing-service-technology-highlights.html -
Android UI Design Tips
Here is a link to a presentation at this years OSCON about UI Design for the Android platform. Enjoy! [OSCON UI Design Tips for Android](http://www.slideshare.net/AndroidDev/android-ui-design-tips) -
July Post Meeting Update
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who came out this month! It was a small group, but still very interesting. [Chris Saunders](http://www.christophersaunders.ca) gave a short presentation on integrating analytics...