Ottawa Android Developers
Local Android developer group for the Ottawa region.
Kotlin talk - June 6th Meeting
After the bombshell that was Google IO 2017, we’re happy to announce that the second speaker for our June 6th meeting will be talking about Kotlin!
More details as we...
June 6th Meeting – 6:30pm @ Shopify Offices (150 Elgin)
Hey folks, We’re back!!!
After a long hiatus, Android Ottawa is back in business.
The first meeting will be taking place on Tuesday, June 6th. Doors...
August 20th Meeting – 6:30pm @ Shopify Offices
Slight change of plans this month. Our presenter Noyan Balay will be unable to present as he is off to NYC to start a new job. Please join me all...
July 16th Meeting – 6:30pm @ Shopify Offices
We have two presentations lined up this month:
- Experiences at Google IO 2014 - Carson Brown
- Building an Android TV Set Top Box - Rob Woods
May 21st Meeting – 6:30pm @ Shopify Offices
We have a few presentations scheduled this month:
- Android Development 101 - Marc Meszaros
- Android Unified Computing - Noyan Balay